Tuesday was the day of the CCIE Party. After grabbing breakfast (which was free and not bad) I went to World of Solutions to continue check out the Cert Lounge, WISP, DevNet, dCloud (This is a pattern for the rest of Cisco Live).

The rest of the day was spent with a coworker, fellow RGs and others socializing or working on WISP together. The CCIE Party was being held at Epcot Center and we could bring a +1. Since only one of my roommates wanted to go, I brought him along.

The party was Star Wars themed. All around the interior of the building were various Star Wars-themed vignettes with iconic characters for photo op. I only did two, as the lines were incredibly long.

The party was loud, crowded, but otherwise okay. It wasn’t great but I haven’t been to another one, so it’s hard to draw comparisons to prior years. As a serious Star Wars geek, I gave them a lot of leeway, so my opinion may not be unbiased.

Wednesday morning, my roommate and I got up super early to get to Nick Russo’s Troubleshooting OSPF breakout and were able to get in. Nick crushed it, it was a great session.

Wednesday night was the Customer Appreciation Event at Universal Studios. I ended up with a couple other coworkers and got to ride a single roller coaster before the rain started! Luckily, I still got to see the Blue Man Group and eat some food before the night was out.


Categories: CLUS